I've spent the last 4 days at Great Expectations Summer Academy in Bixby with my best friend and fellow educator, Mandi Cloud.
We originally signed up for different classes. Because the classes didn't make, we were put into Games+Learning=Fun, taught by Trish Waller, a 6th grade math teacher in Coweta, and Comprehension Campout, taught by Amanda Wilson, an education professor at ORU and former 3rd and 1st grade teacher.
Normally, having my schedule changed stresses me out, and honestly, it did. ANY change stresses me out. However, this change was definitely the best thing that happened.
Those of you that have attended GE, know how the classes work: review of the Eight Expectations for Living, Basic Tenants, 17 Practices, Life Principals, Magic Triad, brain breaks, and the "feel good" activities to build a positive classroom and school environment. Although we reviewed those things, I gained so many useful tools for my classroom to add spark to my teaching and make my lessons meaningful.
Games+Fun=Learning: Most lessons were geared around math but of course, adaptable to any subject. I learned how to teach and review skills by using games such as "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?", "Jeopardy!", "Tic Tac Toe", BINGO, and several other games. The best part is, we were given time in class to make the boards and games. I'm ready to use them when I return to school! The focus of the class was academic instruction with some GE thrown in.
Tic Tac Toe Divide into teams. Choose a number. The questions can be about any skill you are teaching. If answered correctly, flip the index card to either X or O. Next team's turn. |
Jeopardy! Divide into teams. Make a buzzer (any different sound maker) for each team. Play Jeopardy! Ask questions over any topic you are studying in class. |
Who Wants to be a Millionaire? I was in the hot seat. The audience is the class. I had my 3 life lines. I was phoning a friend as my lifeline. Questions are over anything you are teaching in class. The "spotlight" is the previous player in the hot seat. Each student gets one question. Prizes were mini 1000 Grand candy bars. |
Comprehension Campout: We spent two days learning all things about how to effectively teach reading! Our lessons were geared towards reading comprehension at any level. It's been several years since I've had any classes on reading instruction. I learned so many effective, hands-on strategies that I look forward to implementing!
We mapped our brains. |
Think Clouds Visual clues to use while reading to interact with text. |
Nonfiction Walk Students walk through their nonfiction book by answering questions along the path. |
Reading Strategies for Success, a visual reminder of techniques to use while reading. |
Interactive Notebooks |
I've heard about Interactive Notebooks, but honestly didn't have a clue what they were. I created one and will now have my students create one for reading. I bought a class set today! It's a great way to keep everything you need in one place as a resource. Glue, tape, fold, resources and flip charts right in the book. Create and use your table of contents to stay organized. Glue an envelope on the inside to hold flashcards and tangible items.
Make an ongoing Table of Contents. Add to the list as you add information in the book. |
Add stamps, stickers, and colors to act as a "peg" to illicit memories of learned information. |
Glue resources directly in the book. |
Fold up pages that are too large to fit. Glue on the paper in the book. |
Glue and tape object on the inside pages. |
Even though I was on information overload, I thoroughly enjoyed being with like minds, sharing ideas of what works and what doesn't, and learning how to make my lessons meaningful to my students, not just something they learn for THE TEST! I haven't attended a Great Expectations Summer Academy in several years. I won't make that mistake again. It was 4 days well spent! I'm excited to start teaching what I've learned!
I've included several game descriptions. Please feel free to share and use! I'll be adding more!
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